How to get started?

How the Nimbus product works
Everything you need to know about the product
Unlock the Power of Nimbus: Watch and Soar
4 easy steps to get started


Go to the Nimbus Platform
Access Customized Earning Strategies with a Single Click


Create or connect existing wallet to Nimbus Platform
Note: If you don't have the wallet yet, please choose from one of the following


Get Nimbus Tokens
Acquire NIMB or GNIMB through the Nimbus Swap Machine or LBank Centralized Exchange


Pick your best solution
Decide on a convenient product solution that meets your requirements
Basic plan
Nimbus Staking
Stake your tokens to get attractive APRs
Business plan
Nimbus NFT
Acquire your first unique yield-generating NFT
Enterprise plan
Nimbus Liquidity
Become Nimbus Liquidity Provider and join LP Staking